An APOLUS is where AFFIRMISTS congregate. It is an acronym that stands for: A Place of Learning, Understanding and Sharing. Anyone, individually or in a group can set up an APOLUS adhering to the following guidelines:

  • It will be owned by a legally incorporated non-profit organization
  • No member of the organizing body will draw any salary or remuneration
  • The organization will be financed by voluntary donations only
  • There will be no central authority governing the APOLUS
  • The organization will not engage in soliciting or fund-raising activities
  • The organization will not engage in advertising or merchandizing activities
  • The organization will not engage in recruitment or proselytizing activities
  • Outside the entrance a sign will read. THIS APOLUS IS OPEN TO ALL
  • Inside the entrance a sign will prominently display the first two affirmations
  • It can be a large or small structure but must contain four sections, rooms or floors

LEARNING SECTION:This will house a library with physical books, and on-line terminals with access to internet content on all religions and related individuals. There will be safeguards in place to prevent misuse of the facilities, however, there will be no restrictions on the nature of religious content the user wants to access.

UNDERSTANDING SECTION: This will consist of one more class room, where the concept of Affirmism will be introduced by selected Affirmists to newcomers. Each pre-scheduled class will begin by the teacher making the first two Affirmations verbally. The newcomers have the option to proclaim the first two affirmations along with the teacher at the end of the session.

SHARING SECTION:This will consist of a room or an auditorium where any Affirmist can share their religion. This pre-scheduled act of sharing will be completely voluntary and will begin and end with the sharer making the first two Affirmations verbally. Questions will be permitted only if the sharer allows it.

ADMIN SECTION:This will consist of office rooms where people can make enquiries, learn about scheduled classes or sharing sessions. Receipted donations will be accepted here. The organizing members will have their facilities for their operations in this section.